Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do girls get so worked up about single guys?

I am a 28 year old, single, straight, successful, educated, male from NY. I have never had a girlfriend and I have only gone on a total of two dates in my entire lifetime. I have not even experienced my first kiss yet! LOL! I know that may seem a little funny! I am very involved in my career, community and in furthering my education. I am so busy on a daily basis, that on the days that I don't have work or school, I am just so tired that I sleep most of the day. I simply don't have the time to really think about girls I could ask out, much less actually go out and start a relationship. Here is the question: Why is it that when female coworkers, acquaintances, etc., find out about a guy being single they want to set him up? They ask him why he does not date and act appalled when they discover he never had a girlfriend. I'll start dating if I ever truly develop the interest. I am simply focusing on the more important aspects of my life at this time.

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